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Opinion Mining

Project Title: Opinion Mining: Movie Review Analysis

Project Duration: October 2015 - December 2015 (3 months)

Project Type: Academic Project


Technology Used: Java, Weka (Tool for visualization)


Find Implementation of Algorithm Here (GitHub Code link): [code]



  1. Rohit Maurya

  2. Arshpreetsingh Pabla



To analyse the movie reviews and classify the movie as positive or negative according to the reviews given to it on scale of 5.


Opinion Mining Steps:

  1. Collection of data

  2. Pre-process the data

  3. Train the model

  4. Testing the unknown data

  5. Analysis of the movie


Basic Opinion Rules to be followed:

  1. Neg -> Negative

  2. Pos -> Positive

  3. Negation Neg -> Positive

  4. Negation Pos -> Negative

  5. Desired value range -> Positive

  6. Below or above the desired value range -> Negative

  7. Decreased Neg  -> Positive

  8. Decreased Pos -> Negative

  9. Increased Neg -> Negative

  10. Increased Pos -> Positive


Removal of Stop words:

Stop words usually refer to the most common words in a language, there is no single universal list of stop words used by all processing of natural language tools, and indeed, not all tools even use such a list. Some tools specifically avoid removing these stop words to support phrase search.


Classifier: We have used J48 as our classifier to train the data. It uses C4.5 algorithm for building decision trees.


Filter: We have used StringToWordVector(). 




















  1. Social Media Analysis

    • Good Database

    • Detecting and understanding how the audience is reaching out to a brand, whether positively or negatively.

  2. TweetFeel – Twitter Search with Feelings

    • TweetFeel gathers real-time Twitter data about whatever search term the user has entered, and then evaluates those tweets for positive and negative feelings.

  3. Learn faster from Customer Feedback



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