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Data Analytics in Smart City, Final year project UG

Project Title: Enhancing data analytics layer in the smart city infrastructure.

Project Duration: August 2016 - present

Project Type: Final year Academic Project



  1. Dr. Dhiren R Patel, Professor, SVNIT [personal webpage]

  2. Jigar Patel, Assistant Engineer - Computer, Surat Municipality Corporation [personal webpage]



  1. Rohit Maurya

  2. Arshpreet Singh Pabla

  3. Harshal Rohit



Working with Surat Municipality Corporation (SMC), we proposed a centralized 4 layers architecture for an easy and fast flow of information in the smart city. These layers include data collection from sources, info to the departments, middle-ware, and data analytics layer. We are using ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana) for visualization and python and Matlab for analytics and learning.


Major use-cases that we are trying to solve are waste management, monitoring gender equality, water supply management and revenue collection.




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